
Fantasy is an increasingly popular genre of fiction, and now is a great time to become a fantasy fiction writer! This course is perfect whether you have an idea for a book or even if you don't know where to start. With the tools you'll gain in this course, you'll be ready to tackle your first fantasy novel.

In this course, you will learn what separates fantasy fiction from other types of fiction. You will also discover how to create characters and populate your world with unique, compelling, and interesting creatures. You'll learn how to outline your book, come up with a theme, and commit to actually writing. You will learn how to revise and edit so that when you complete it, your book will essentially be a finished product. You will even learn a bit about publishing your book, including the differences between self-publishing and traditional publishing. Finally, you'll get a number of tips about how to stay motivated and complete your novel - because, after all, writing is hard work!

Enrollment Options:

6 Weeks Access Course Code: wfn
Start Dates* Oct 16 | Nov 13 | Dec 18 | Jan 10
*Choose start date in cart


3 Months Access Course Code: T14113
No Instructor, Start Anytime



Enroll before 31th May and get high quality lamination on your hardcopy certificate absolutely free! Use your certificate to your advantage by showing your certified credentials to prospective employers and recruiters.


What Is Fantasy Fiction?

The first lesson will provide an introduction to fantasy fiction. You'll learn why this is such a great time in the market to be writing your fantasy novel—and it really is a booming market at the moment! The lesson will discuss how fantasy differs from other types of fiction and the genres and subgenres that make up fantasy fiction. You'll also start working on a project to get you thinking about the types of fantasy you most enjoy reading and what you might like to write about.

World-Building, Part One: Exploring the World

What exactly is fantasy world-building? This is the first of three lessons on world-building. The lesson will discuss what it's all about, including the different types of fantasy worlds and what sets one type of world apart from the next. You'll also decide on a world type that you want to work with for the next several lessons. The lesson will talk about how to go about researching before you begin world-building, and you'll receive some simple tips for making researching fun and productive. Finally, you'll explore some ways to organize your world-building research so that you'll have all of your ideas and information at your fingertips when you need them!

World-Building, Part Two: Magic

In this lesson, you'll continue your study of world-building. First, you'll learn the different ways characters can gain the ability to use magic. Sometimes, it's a talent that they're born with, but you can also manufacture opportunities for them to develop the skill. The lesson will discuss how you can use magic in the world of your novel, and the difference between white magic and black magic. Finally, you'll compare and contrast three systems of magic and explore how to create consequences for the system you choose.

World-Building, Part Three: Societies

This lesson concludes your exploration of world-building and will wrap things up by discussing societies in fantasy novels. You'll learn about planning for and creating the beings and governmental systems that make up the societies in your novel. The lesson will talk about traditional and nontraditional creatures, the common people, government, and the religions within the societies. You'll also be thinking about what the common people might do in your novel and how they'll interact with other creatures. The lesson will discuss historical systems of government that you can use in your world and define the roles of the aristocracy and common folk. Finally, the lesson will address the role of religion in your novel and teach you how to create a believable fantasy religion.

Creating Characters

Do you know what they say about fictional characters? It's the characters that make the difference between a mediocre novel and one that comes alive in a reader's hands. Think about it—you can probably name your favorite fictional characters right now, can't you? For that matter, you can probably describe everything about these characters, from how they speak to how their mind works to what makes them cry. This lesson will discuss just how to create those characters. You'll look at main characters and supporting characters, what their roles are in a novel, and how to develop them in such a way that they jump off the page. You'll also learn how to create an antagonist that isn't evil just for the sake of being evil—but is a real character with wants, needs, and obstacles!

Plotting Your Novel

To outline or not to outline—that is the question! You may already have an idea about whether or not you're an outliner. Either way, this lesson will go into detail about the pros and cons of outlining. The lesson will discuss story versus plot, character-driven novels versus plot-driven novels, and outlining versus not outlining. It will also talk about the narrative arc and the protagonist's journey and how these things relate to the plot of a novel. If you're wondering how outlining might fit into your writing process, you're in the right place!


You won't necessarily know the theme of your novel before you begin writing, and figuring out what the theme is can sometimes be a bit of a process. This lesson will discuss the most common themes in fantasy fiction, and you'll look at examples of novels that use these themes. The lesson will also talk about the advantages and disadvantages of knowing your theme before you start writing your novel, and you'll learn techniques for incorporating your theme throughout your book in a seamless way.

The Narrative Voice

This lesson will focus on the narrative voice. It will discuss the narrative mode and some techniques of writing, including decisions you'll make about crafting your story, which point of view you'll use, and the grammatical tense you'll work with. It will also talk about the difference between scene and exposition and how to incorporate exposition in the least jarring way. Writing dialogue is often a stumbling block for fiction writers, so you'll take a look at a few tips for making dialogue sound realistic and using it to show characterization, build tension, and advance your plot.

The Writing Process

If you've ever heard writers talk about their writing process, you know it isn't as simple as sitting down in a chair eight hours a day and typing robotically on a keyboard. The writing process is complicated and ever-changing. When, where, and how much you write depends on a lot of factors, so you'll always be exploring what's reasonable for you to accomplish. This lesson will discuss some of the strange places where famous writers work (or have worked) and will also talk about some tools and rituals that might help you work successfully. Finally, you'll learn about setting goals and creating personal rewards to encourage you to reach your goals!

The Postwriting Process

This lesson will talk about the postwriting process—in other words, what you do once you finish writing the first draft of your novel. You'll examine the difference between revising and editing and learn how to do both effectively. How do you know what to revise and how to revise it in a way that benefits your story? This lesson will cover that and also discuss how you can edit your novel. You'll learn the editing steps and some tips for streamlining the process!

Publishing Your Novel

There's a lot of debate about whether self-publishing or traditional publishing is better, and in this lesson you'll learn that both have their strengths and weaknesses. The lesson will identify and talk about those strengths and weaknesses in depth to help you decide which route is right for you. You'll look at the process of finding an agent and traditional publisher for your novel, including how to write a query letter. The lesson will also discuss how to go about self-publishing—who you can hire to help with the final pieces and how to market your book.

Marketing and Motivating

The final lesson will talk about the importance of marketing and motivation. You'll take an in-depth look at using social media and the Internet to market yourself and your novel, and the lesson will also discuss in-person marketing and networking opportunities you can take advantage of to advance your career. Since staying motivated is probably the greatest challenge to writers, there will be an entire chapter devoted to this. It will provide you with lots of tips and resources for finding support and the inner strength you need to keep going.


Hardware Requirements:

  • This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac.

Software Requirements:

  • PC: Windows 8 or newer.
  • Mac: OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 or later.
  • Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred. Microsoft Edge and Safari are also compatible.


  • Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.


There are no prerequisites to take this course.


Laura K. Anderson

Laura K. Anderson picked up her first science fiction book when she was in first grade and she's been in love with speculative fiction ever since. She particularly enjoys writing fantasy fiction and is the editorial director for Sojourn: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction. Laura has a Master of Arts degree in literature and creative writing and is currently working on a Master of Arts in special education.


The median annual pay for writers and authors was $67,120 in 2021!

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (, the median annual pay for writers and authors was $67,120 in May 2021. As a fantasy novelist, you can write material for movies, books, comics, TV, or other mediums. Becoming a fantasy novel writer through this course will enable you to maximize your imaginary and unrealistic elements to create a gripping story full of supernatural powers, like magic and magical creatures. Join the ranks of hundreds of individuals who have successfully completed the ExpertRating Fantasy Novel Course and go on to work as novelists to write books of fiction, creating characters and plotting engaging imaginary events.

About ExpertRating

ExpertRating is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company offering online certification and training services to individuals and companies globally. Over 25 million people have benefited from ExpertRating Online Certifications and assessments. ExpertRating is the winner of the Google SME Hero's award for showing outstanding use of technology in delivering trusted services to thousands of people on a daily basis. Our affordable certifications are an excellent way of demonstrating your knowledge and skills to prospective employers as well as vastly boosting your chances of moving ahead in your business or career.

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ExpertRating is a winner of the Google SME Heroes award. This award has been instituted by Google to honor IT companies that have excelled in their domain and have leveraged the internet to grow and expand their businesses in innovative ways.

ExpertRating is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, which reflects that our courses and tests conform to the highest international quality standards. Our training material is prepared by thorough professionals with years of experience, and goes through several rounds of analysis by expert teams to help develop well-balanced, comprehensive and meaningful content.

By the end of the course, you will be ready to become a fantasy novel writer , and you will do it all online at your own pace with a facilitator who will provide one-on-one interaction by answering questions and providing feedback on your performance. ExpertRating offers everything you need to succeed and gives you the flexibility to move ahead at your own pace, whether you have a full-time job, you are currently home, or you are looking to get back to work, you can enroll at any time. So, start preparing to be a famous novelist!