This teacher professional development course will teach you how to transition your traditional teaching methods into an online learning environment. You may feel that you only need to adapt a few lessons using a blended learning model, or you may wish to explore how to shift your entire classroom into a virtual learning environment. The course will help guide you on what components of your classroom you can shift online, from considering your lessons and assessments, evaluating how to differentiate, or planning how to make your administrative tasks more streamlined.
You will learn about the SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition), also called the SAMR framework, as a continuum of technology integration to help you decide how to authentically build more technology into your teaching practices. By the end of the course, you will have a technology plan ready for your classroom and will bring with you many planning documents, resources, and ideas that you can begin implementing.
Enrollment Options:
6 Weeks Access Course Code: T14756
Start Dates* Mar 19 | Apr 16 | May 14 | Jun 18
*Choose start date in cart
3 Months Access Course Code:
No Instructor, Start Anytime
Enroll before 31th May and get high quality lamination on your hardcopy certificate absolutely free! Use your certificate to your advantage by showing your certified credentials to prospective employers and recruiters.
- Introducing the SAMR Model
- About the movement from traditional to online teaching
- About the SAMR model of technology integration
- How to reflect on what you want to change in your instructional methods
- Section 2 – Substitution (S)
- About the substitution level of the SAMR model
- A wide variety of online tools available to use as substitutes for traditional teaching methods
- Augmentation (A)
- About the augmentation level of the SAMR model
- A wide variety of online tools available to use at the augmentation level of the SAMR model
- Modification (M)
- About the modification level of the SAMR model
- A variety of online tools available to use at the modification level of the SAMR model
- Redefinition (R)
- About the redefinition level of the SAMR model
- A wide variety of online tools available to use at the redefinition level of the SAMR model
- Differentiation & Scaffolding
- How to differentiate online instruction
- A variety of techniques to scaffold your students' online learning
- Administrative Tasks
- How to handle professional tasks online such as planning lessons, keeping records, and holding conferences and meetings
- How to use online tools to communicate effectively with parents
- How to manage student behavior and build a sense of classroom community with online tools
- Choosing Resources
- How to determine what you need to change in your traditional instruction
- How to choose appropriate resources for your online instruction
- Putting it All Together
- Using the sample provided, build your own virtual plan for an upcoming lesson.
- Applying What you Have Learned
- Get ideas on how to implement the concepts into your classroom, find a list of online resources that feature ideas around the SAMR model, and read the research behind this type of learning in the classroom.