Learn how to create and modify documents with the world's most popular word processor.
Learn how to create and modify documents in Word 2007, the most popular word-processing program available.
Instructor-Led: 6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hrs / Starts Feb 19 OR Self-Paced: 3 Months Access / 24 Course Hrs / Starts Immediately
Enroll before 31th May and get high quality lamination on your hardcopy certificate absolutely free! Use your certificate to your advantage by showing your certified credentials to prospective employers and recruiters.
Intro to Word; Typing a Word Document
Document Navigation
Basic File Management
Editing Documents; Cutting and Pasting
Working With Multiple Documents
Text Formatting and Alignment
Margins, Tabs, and Page Numbering
Indentation and Paragraph Formatting
Language Tools
Customizing Word
Advanced File Management
Hardware Requirements:
Software Requirements:
I gained a great deal of confidence and knowledge. I have told a number of teachers, administrators and students about this learning experience and of the class. Thanks for everything.
I would recommend this class to anyone who would like to have a better understanding of Word 2007.
This course is self-explanatory and professionally written. I appreciate the instructor’s time and expertise. Thank You.
This was my first class through ed2go, and I thought it was great! The lessons were the right length and they were very easy to understand. Feedback in the discussion area was very quick. I would definitely recommend Craig Power as an instructor, and would sign up for another class taught by him.
This was my first experience with an online course. I have a college degree but wanted to improve my computer skills. This was interesting and I found it to be helpful in learning newer technology. Thanks so much.
Without a doubt the most comprehensive and easiest to follow course I have ever taken!!
No Career Prospect Detail
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ExpertRating is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, which reflects that our courses and tests conform to the highest international quality standards. Our training material is prepared by thorough professionals with years of experience, and goes through several rounds of analysis by expert teams to help develop well-balanced, comprehensive and meaningful content.